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ISO 50001

ISO 50001 in UAE
27 Sep 2021

ISO 50001

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ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management System Requirements 

This standard describes an energy management system (EnMS) required of any organization committed to a sustainable future, and ISO 50001:2018 highlights the elements that an EnMS must cover within a framework of continuous improvement.

The UK's  Energy Institute  (the professional body for those working or studying in the energy industry) has welcomed the publication of ISO 50001, saying that it provides "a framework to help organizations identify opportunities for greater efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and lower costs associated with energy use."

The standard was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), a non-governmental organization composed of representatives from 162 national standards bodies.

What is new in the latest ISO 50001

The standard is expected to help organizations with environmental protection and energy efficiency as well as cost savings.

ISO 50001:2018 was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), a non-governmental organization composed of representatives from 162 national standards bodies. The UK's Energy Institute  (the professional body for those working or studying in the energy industry) has welcomed the publication of ISO 50001, saying that it provides "a framework to help organizations identify opportunities for greater efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and lower costs associated with energy use."

The new standard is expected to help organizations both with protecting the environment and with increasing their operational efficiency. The framework will enable employees to better understand their organization's energy policies and procedures. The standard will also make it easier for organizations to implement them in a way that makes sense for their individual circumstances.

The new ISO 50001:2018 is the first update of the standard since 2012, when it was published as ISO/DIS 50001 (based on earlier editions of BS EN 16001). The new version is a significant update, reflecting new thinking on energy management and climate change.

ISO 50001:2018 – The standard for energy management – Requirements – Benefits – Guidance 

ISO 50001:2018 is the new international standard for energy management systems (EnMS), published in June 2018 by ISO. It updates, consolidates, and harmonizes existing standards that are already implemented in many countries.

The application of the ISO 50001 standard brings potential benefits to all types of organizations across all industry sectors. Positive impacts include benefits for energy and the environment, including reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improved resource efficiency, and cost control.

ISO 50001:2018 provides a framework to help organizations implement effective energy management strategies that take into account their individual circumstances; it also helps them identify opportunities for greater efficiency, reduced carbon emissions, and lower costs associated with energy use.

This standard is applicable to all organizations, including manufacturers, industrial plants, commercial buildings, shopping malls, offices, and other service providers.

ISO 50001 is applicable to all types of organizations across all industry sectors. And although it was written with manufacturing in mind, the model presented in the standard can equally be applied to other organizations such as non-profit organizations or educational institutions.

ISO 50001:2018 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 176,  Energy management, Subcommittee SC 15, Environment management systems.

The standard has been welcomed by the UK's Energy Institute  (the professional body for those working or studying in the energy industry) which is expecting it will have "a major impact", saving businesses money and reducing carbon emissions. According to Dr. M B McVittie, member of the Energy Institute's Senior Management Team:

"The publication by ISO is very welcome. Valuable resources are being wasted through poor energy management in organizations large and small across all sectors of the economy, including manufacturing. The new standard provides a framework to help drive improvements in energy performance."

He also believes that the standard will have a knock-on effect on employees:

"It is also important that the standard enables employees to be empowered, enabling them to improve their own energy performance in their day-to-day tasks. The Energy Institute has been involved closely with the development of the new international ISO 50001:2018 standard and we believe it can have a major impact in terms of reducing costs, improving performance, and helping organizations to meet carbon reduction targets."

In addition, Dr John McGoldrick from Thornton Tomasetti  told the UK's Institution of Engineering and Technology's Energy Insights :

"Industrial equipment manufacturers should be aware that ISO 50001 has been published as an international standard and should start their transition as soon as possible to implement the standard as it will become mandatory in some countries over time."

The new standard can be applied by organizations of all types and sizes. All an organization has to do is tailor – or "scope" – its application of the model presented in the document depending on its individual circumstances; this means that small to medium-sized businesses are not disadvantaged.

The standard enables organizations to better manage their energy use in order to reduce costs, increase efficiency and improve performance. The ultimate goal is for the organization to be able to make a clear business case for investing in energy management systems in order to improve its bottom line.

As Dr McGoldrick pointed out to Energy Insights, this could result in huge benefits for the manufacturing industry because engineering companies often have very high energy demands.

The standard also has implications for managers responsible for implementing it within their organization. Not only does ISO 50001 help them achieve better returns on investments but it is likely to lead to an increase in their company's competitiveness.

Although organizations will have to amend some of their procedures and perhaps appoint new staff, the standard is relatively easy for businesses at all levels to adopt and adapt depending on their individual needs.

The benefits and savings that result from implementing the quality management system described in ISO 50001:2018 mean it can be applied in all types of organizations.

It was developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) , an independent, non-governmental federation of national standards bodies. Since its creation in 1947, ISO has published 22,500 international standards covering almost all aspects of technology and business management.

The standard is expected to help organizations worldwide reduce their energy usage and costs while improving performance and maintaining competitive advantage.

For businesses, the standard will have a positive impact on their bottom line as well as having a dramatic impact on environmental performance because it enables them to reduce energy consumption and waste.

At a time when many organizations are struggling with rising costs, this is good news indeed.

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