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ISO 45001 Certification

About ISO 45001 Certification

ISO 45001 Certification is an Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OH&SMS) Certification that establishes an organization’s commitment to developing a safe and healthy environment for employees and others. This certification ensures employees’ safety and customer satisfaction. As it is a globally recognized certification, it promotes your business and helps to achieve global recognition. Also, the ISO 45001 Certification improves customers’ confidence in the management system processes and services.

ISO 45001 Certification

About ISO 45001 Standard

ISO 45001 Standard is one of the international standards of ISO (International Organization for Standardization) that specifies requirements to establish, implement, and continually improve the Occupational Health and Safety Management System. This standard provides control measures to reduce accidents/incidents in the workplace and as well as to minimize the loss or damages to the equipment/environment. Moreover, ISO 45001 provides guidelines for the organization to create a safe and effective working environment for employees and others.

The latest version ISO 45001:2018 is implemented with the PDCA approach (high-level structure) that makes it easy to integrate with other management system standards such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, etc.

What is the importance of ISO 45001 Certification?

ISO 45001 Certification applies to all organizations, regardless of their size, type, and field of activity. This certification inspires the top management to develop a safe environment and to reduce the operational risks in the management process and services. Achieving the ISO 45001 Certification improves employee satisfaction and therefore increases workflow efficiency.

Benefits of the ISO 45001 Certification

The ISO 45001 Certification ensures that the organization is complying with the Occupational Health and Safety Management System requirements. The requirements cover all health, safety, environmental, legal compliance, etc. Also, this certification demonstrates an awareness of the legal obligations in the area of occupational health and safety to employees and other stakeholders by promoting better working conditions.

It enables the identification and management of health and safety risks and provides a sustainable and practical approach to compliance.

The company can get benefits from ISO 45001 Certification such as: 

Standards provide guidance on how to establish, implement, maintain, and improve an OH&SMS that is recognized globally. By achieving this certification, the organization

The ISO 45001 Certification provides the following benefits to the organization. 

  1.  It helps the organization to prevent harm/injury as well as reduce environmental impact and ensures compliance with regulatory requirements. 
  2. ISO 45001 certification stimulates a change in the organizational culture, from one where health and safety are viewed as a cost center to one where it is seen as an investment in people.
  3.  It provides confidence to the customers and the community where the organization operates.
  4.  The ISO 45001 Certification enables an organization to promote its OH&SMS processes effectively, thus increasing productivity and minimizing the risk of failure.
  5. The organization can face over 15 types of fines if they fail to meet Occupational Health and Safety Compliance.
  6.  Finally, the ISO 45001 Certification helps to improve the overall performance of the organization by integrating with other management systems such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, etc.

Process for getting ISO 45001 Certification

Establishing an Occupational Health and Safety Management System is the first step towards getting ISO 45001 Certification. This system includes identifying hazards, risks, and control measures based on risk assessment of ISO 45001:2018 (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) or its equivalent standard. The next step for this certification is to plan, implement, and review the OH&SMS in the organization.  There are four phases for this certification:

  • Setting objectives and direction
  • Implementing, reviewing, and improving the system 
  • Maintaining the system 
  • Enabling improvements in ISO 45001:2018

To get ISO 45001 Certificate, you need to pass a certification audit.  There are two types of audits: internal and external audits. The external ISO 45001 Certification audit is conducted by an authorized registrar based on the requirements provided by the accreditation body (AB). In order to get this certification, your organization has to get approval from the management representative of the organization. An internal ISO 45001 Certification audit assesses if your OH&SMS meets all requirements defined in ISO 45001:2018.

After getting both types of audits successfully, you can apply for getting ISO 45001 Certification. There are two types of certificates: initial and renewal. You need to renew your ISO 45001 Certification after a certain period of time.  The company can apply for a renewal after completing three years of initial certification.

Validity of ISO 45001 Certification

If you’re certified ISO 45001:2018, your certificate is valid for three years from the date of registration. To get a renewal certificate after this time period, you need to re-audit your OH&SMS and get a positive outcome.

Contact us 

To get your organization certified for ISO 45001, Do not hesitate to write at enquiry@iascertification.com or call +6531591803

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