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+91 9962590571 / +91 8220666148

Frequently Asked Questions

Process Certification

Product Certification

ISO Training

Online ISO Training

What is certification?

Certification refers to the conformance or compliance to a certain characteristics of an object, person or an organization. This certification is often provided by some kind of external review, assessment or audit.

What is accreditation?

Accreditation is the process of formally obtaining the credibility from an authorized body to provide the Certificates.

What does ISO refers to?

ISO – International Organization for Standardization. ISO is an international standard setting body which composed of representatives from different national standards Organization.

What does the year indicate in the each ISO standard?

The year in each ISO standard represents the calendar year that ISO standard got revised and launched.
E.g.. ISO 45001:2018. The year 2018 represents the revised version was launched

How do I know what is the latest standard available?

You can periodically browse our website iascertification.com to get regular updates on the latest version of the standards. Each ISO standards may get upgrade to the new version in a minimum of 7 years from the previous version.

Where can I buy ISO standards?

It is available in www.iso.org, or you can get your Standard copy from Certification Body by proper mode of application.

What is Annex SL?

Annex SL is a new management system format that provides the High Level Structure to ISO Management system and helps in implementing multiple standards within one Organization easier. All standards are provided with common titles (i.e, 10 clauses)

What is the difference between ISO audits and Accounts Audit?

ISO Audit: Verifying that the effectiveness of the management system is in compliance with the relevant ISO standards except accounts.
Accounts Audit: It’s a systematic and independent assessment of accounts, statutory records, documents and vouchers of an organization to determine how far the financial statements present a true and fair view of the Organization.

How to get my Business Certified?

The first step is to apply for certification. We will consider your application and initialize the process to get your business certified. Call us to learn more information about it.

What is process for ISO certification?

The process of ISO certification starts from application/Contract Signing with a Certification body prior to the submission of application the organization should prepare the documents, Records and conduct internal audit within the organization, Once the application is filled with all the requirement stated IAS will conduct Stage 1 and Stage 2 audits as per the audit procedure, If NC are raised during the course of audit all the identified NC’s need to be effectively closed. Once the NC are closed with the corrective actions IAS technical committee will review and grant the certificate

What category of certification does my business need?

There are various schemes of certifications applicable. Some standards can be applied in general to all kind of businesses such as ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001. There are sector specific standard as well such as ISO 22000(FSMS), ISO 27001(ISMS), ISO 20000-1(ITSMS), IATF 16949 etc. Organization can choose the one which will be applicable to your business based on the category of your business. You can also contact us to provide your organization the necessary guidance in choosing the appropriate certifications applicable for your organization.

What is Integrated Management System (IMS)?

Organization can combine two or more standards and obtain certification. This is possible within the basic/common standards or Integration of common standards with sector specific standards.

What is the benefit of Integrated Management System?

It reduces the Internal Audit time and External certification body audit time. The organization gains more clarity as the common activities are clubbed and carried out as one exercise. (Such as Internal Audit, Management review is all common in all standards). Finally, this brings down the cost of certification.

When should I apply for ISO certification?

There is no particular time when you can get certified. You can apply for it whenever you want your business to have standardized processes.

Will implementing ISO increase more paper work?

It depends on the way your system is customized and practiced. Implementing ISO in your Organization will not increase the paper work. The ISO standards are designed in order to eliminate the redundant paperwork.

How can we achieve ISO with less cost?

Have a clear plan. Train competent staffs in ISO and prepare a road map for implementing ISO. You can take support from bodies like IAS as we generally provide simplified solutions and easy to follow. Ask for the quote from IAS before going ahead with certification decision. We will definitely meet your budget.

We already have auditors to verify the accounts and submission to government, why and what will the ISO Auditor do in my company?

ISO auditors don’t have any activities related to Finance process. They have nothing to verify in your accounts/finance process.
On your request, ISO auditors will audit your Organization management Process such as HR, Purchase, Maintenance, production, Quality etc… In simple they will verify the effectiveness of the above management process is in compliance with the relevant standards to get ISO certification and submit the report to your organization.

What if my business doesn’t conform to the guidelines during audit?

Usually your application will be rejected if your business doesn’t conform to the related guidelines. However, to avoid such a situation, IAS/EAS will send a team of auditors to make your processes aligned to the necessary guidelines. Hence, such a scenario is rare when you get the services of IAS/EAS.

If my organization fails to comply with the requirements after ISO certificate is awarded, what will happen to my certificate?

During Surveillance audit or with a short notice audit, ISO auditors will verify your organization’s effectiveness of implementation and maintenance of that to the relevant standards. If found not complying, Major/minor Non-conformances may be issued. If your organization does not take any action and correct within the stipulated time IAS will suspend your certificate. The suspension status will continue for six months and still if the organization could not rectify its process failures, the certificate will be withdrawn.

Will my company audit report submitted to government?

At any case, Your Company ISO Audit report is not required to submit to government, unless there is a legal Requirement in your country.

If auditors find any gap in my process, what will I do next?

If there is any gap in your process during audit, Auditor may raise Non Conformance on the identified gap. The organization shall take necessary action to find out the root cause, provide correction & corrective action for the raised NC and submit the report to auditor; He will verify the actions and close the Non-conformity.

How long is this ISO certificate valid? When should I do renewal?

Every ISO certificate is valid for a period of three years from the date of issue. During this period, two surveillance audits shall be conducted in a gap of 1 year to verify that you are still meeting the relevant standard requirements. The organizations have to recertify the ISO certificate once the validity of three year period is over. Check the validity of your certificate.

How do I check the validity of my certificate in the website?

Check through website. Search your certificate by entering your certificate number in the Search certificate tab. Your certificate will appear; there you can check the validity. You can search your certificate in our accredited body –JAS-ANZ & UQAS respectively based on which accreditation your certificate is issued.

If my certificate is not appearing in the website, what does it mean?

Apply the certificate number without any error, without extra spaces, with case sensitive. Still if you can get the certificate details, it means the possibility of your certificate got expired or not issued by IAS. You can contact IAS in such case.

Can we do documentation on our own or is it mandatory to take assistance to do that?

Yes. You can employ/train individual with the knowledge & competence to understand the requirement of relevant ISO standards can establish your companies’ own documentation to meet the standard requirement. Proving ISO Awareness Training and ISO Internal Auditor training is the key to succeed and maintain the system. It is not mandatory to take assistance from external sources to do ISO documentation process.

If my organization is certified for this version, what will happen to my certification if standard version changes?

Your existing ISO certification version is still valid throughout the transition period announced by IAF. During this period, you can implement the requirements of new standard and upgrade your certification to the latest version. Check the certification procedure for transition.

What is surveillance audit, what will happen if I do not complete this audit?

The focus of Surveillance Audit is to ensure the continued compliance with the relevant ISO standards. Auditors look for evidence that the management system is maintained, improved & corrected as needed.
If you do not complete the surveillance audit, your ISO certificate will get suspend.

What is IAF? What is the importance of IAF member accreditation body?

IAF – International Accreditation Forum is the world association of Conformity Assessment Accreditation Bodies interested in conformity assessment in the fields of management systems, products, services, personnel and other similar programmes of conformity assessment.

My company has already taken ISO; can I transfer my certification to other certification body?

In order to transfer your certification to other certification body, the current Certification body shall be accredited by IAF. If you are having a certificate from the Non IAF certification body, you are not able to transfer your certificate unless you have to register a new client. If your IAF certification body accreditation expires, Organization has to transfer to new CB within 6 months. After the period of 6 months, your Organization will not be qualified as a transfer and it will be treated as a new client.

What is the difference between product certification and process certification?

Product Certification: It is the process of certifying the certain products that has passed the performance test, quality assurance test and meets the qualification criteria mentioned in certification schemes.
Process certification is the system certification of the relevant management standard compliance.

Where can I use ISO certification logo?

You can use logos in your Websites, Broachers, Catalogues and Business cards as per the Logo usage rules. In case, if your certification status is ‘suspended’ or ‘withdrawn’, you should withdraw the logos from advertisement. Any violation of logo rules is subject to legal action

Why there are so many cost variations among the ISO certification bodies?

Cost of certification is determined mostly based on the man-days. Man-days spent for planning, reviewing, conducting audit, travel, decision making etc. Additionally cost of accreditation and certification fees handling charges is also covered. This man-day cost varies between various certification bodies. It depends on the CAB, Accreditations provided, business sectors, process involved and service provided etc. To know the certification cost for your organization contact us

What are the expenses will my company incur in obtaining the ISO certification?

Basically your organization may spend on purchasing ISO standard, hiring a consultant to guide your organization (optional), cost incurred in implementation of ISO systems and standards, cost for training your employees(some time covered in consulting), paying certification charges for IAS/EAS, travel and accommodation for audit team, Surveillance charges to the IAS/EAS.

What is the meaning of ISO checklist and why is this used?

ISO check lists are used by auditor as a memory jogger to verify the compliance with standard requirement.

What is the difference between ISO 22000 (FSMS) and HACCP?

HACCP is focuses purely on food safety, where ISO goes further. ISO 22000(FSMS) covers business processes and structures.

What is ISO training?

Several organization implements ISO standards published by International Organization for standardization. ISO training is provided on these standards such as Awareness/foundation to the employees to effectively implement and practice the system, Conduct Internal Audit and to conduct third party audits.

What is ISO lead auditor training?

Lead Auditor Training is professional, 40 hrs, and training to get qualified as Auditor in ISO field. This courses any professional to acquire knowledge of auditing ISO systems as per the requirement of ISO 19011. Lead Auditor courses are generally accredited by International Accredited bodies.

Should I register in IRCA after getting the certificate? Will the training organization register for me?

Training Organization won’t register in IRCA on behalf of you. After obtaining the lead auditor certificate, Log into IRCA website and fill out the required details and get yourself registered.

I have completed course in the previous version, now version has changed. Should I take up the course again?

If transition course (2 days) available you may take up and upgrade your certification. If you have done long back and you are not actively practicing ISO, then it is advisable to take up the 5 day course in the latest version. You can ask for price discount based on the previous certification. For Internal Auditor course, transition is not applicable; you have to do the course in the latest version.

How do I know that the training course is accredited by IRCA?

IRCA accredited courses provided certificate with CQI-IRCA logo. Ask for sample certificate. Also check CQI-IRCA accreditation status to know whether the course is accredited by IRCA.

What will happen, if I fail to clear the Lead Auditor course or Internal Auditor course examination?

You have been given a chance to appear for a re exam, if you fail to clear the lead/internal auditor training course in first attempt. You will be given chance to appear for the examination alone within one year, if you fail to clear the examination in the first attempt. If you fail in the second attempt, then you may have to register & attend the training course again.

Where can I check my training certificate validity?

Check the certificate validity through website of IAS/EAS. Apply your certificate number in the search space. It is case sensitive and provides correct spaces as appearing in the certificate.

If I lost my certificate can I get a copy from EAS?

Yes, you can get a new copy of certificate by applying to EAS with charges applicable for new certificate.

I do not have a degree, am I eligible for ISO lead Auditor or Internal Auditor training?

Educational Qualification is not a criterion for ISO Internal Auditor and ISO Lead Auditor courses. The candidate should have knowledge about the organization’s functions and ISO standard requirements on which he intends to qualify. If you are comfortable with standard requirements and terminologies, you are eligible to participate in the training.

I am nearing my retirement, how this course will help me?

By attending this course, you can make use of your expertise coupled with the ISO Lead Auditor qualification gives you an opportunity to assist the Organization for achieving the ISO certification. As you gain expertise in ISO Auditing, you can also perform third party auditing.

What is the ISO training calendar?

Training calendar is a plan of upcoming training schedules of various ISO trainings planned for a year by IAS/EAS.

What kind of career opportunities we get by doing lead auditor Training?

You can be a registered Lead auditor of IRCA that you can apply as an Empanelled Auditor to audit firms (CAB) as an External Auditor or you can choose to join an industry and serve as an internal auditor. In Industry, you may get placement in prominent position such as, “ISO Management Representative”, “safety officer”, Food safety team leader” etc.

Can I join any Certification body as auditor using this ISO Lead auditor Certificate?

Yes, depending upon your years of experience, satisfying the auditor competence requirements by ISO and Certification body, you can join in a certification body as Lead auditor after the course completion.

Will you conduct courses other than English?

Training will be only in English as standard language, where Trainer will be competent of Regional Languages.

What is the difference between Lead Implementer course and Lead Auditor course?

Lead Implementer course guides you in implementing and practicing ISO standards where as Lead Auditor course develops skill and knowledge in planning, conducting and concluding a third party ISO audit.

Will I get an auditor job once I complete my lead auditor course?

Yes, depending upon your experience and industry knowledge you are eligible to apply to Certification body based on the certification body assessment you may selected as an empanelled Lead auditor/auditor or a full time auditor and once the observation period is completed audits will be given to you.

What is the difference between foundation and Internal Auditor course?

Foundation course is a basic awareness course where you get an outline idea about ISO, whereas internal auditor course will give a deep knowledge in ISO audit perspective

What is the difference between Internal Auditor course and Lead Auditor course?

Lead Auditor coursecovers the planning, conducting and concluding an ISO audit for third party organization as per ISO 19011:2018 and the relevant standard. The duration of courses is 5 days for Lead Auditor Training.
Internal auditor training will cover standard elements, auditing and writing NC reports, verification of corrective actions. Course duration is 2 days.

Can we take up more than one course in single ISO training?

Yes, IMS courses can be taken subjected to the training days will be additional as per CQI IRCA code of contact

What are the Accelerated Learning Techniques? Why is this adopted in IRCA training method?

Accelerated learning is a method of instruction that provides an atmosphere where students are able to absorb and retain concepts by overcoming traditional barriers of learning. It is adopted by IRCA to provide a best in class training and understanding about ISO.

What is online ISO training?

It is also known as distance learning, or e-learning, online training is a form of instruction that takes place completely on the internet, Online training of ISO gives you full access of training materials where you can learn by yourself the access for the learning will be for 60 days, Within the period the personnel can avail the training.

How can I clarify my doubts during my online ISO training?

You can send your doubts to our training team through Email. emails will be answered within 24 hours to clarify your Doubts. Moreover all clarification related to training will be reflected in the each slide notes.

What kind of documents is available in the online ISO training?

Presentations, Quiz, Exercises, Question banks and self evaluation are available on online ISO training.

How will I do exercises in ISO online training?

Online module is designed in a manner of attending the self exercises such as Identification of clauses, Standard terminologies, Audit terminologies and roles & responsibilities.

While taking the examination, if there is an interruption, what should i do?

Kindly ensure the following:
Once you entered the examination mode:

  • Read and Understand the Instructions carefully before attending the examination.
  • Do not open another tab / window during the examination.
  • Do not use ‘back’ or ‘forward’ buttons of the browser. Use the “Previous” or “Save & Next” buttons within the examination module.
  • Do not use ‘restart’ / ‘shutdown’ options of your PC during the exam.
  • If your internet connectivity is lost during the exam, send a mail to onlinetraining@eascertification.com as and when your internet service is up again. You can also contact +91 9962590571 during office hours (09:30 to 18:30 IST). Our training coordinators will help you out to complete your exam.
  • How to pay for the course?

    You can make payment using our payment gateway. Please select “online training” from the options on top of the page and click on “Register”.

  • First register by providing your email ID and by choosing a password of your choice.
  • Once you register, you will receive a verification link to your e- mail. Click on the link to confirm your registration and follow the onscreen instructions.
  • Once you are in the online training page click on the type of course you want to select. Example: “Foundation course” or “Internal Auditor Course” of your choice.
  • Once you are in the relevant course page Example: ‘ISO 9001:2015 Internal Auditor Course’, and click on “Pay now” button on the right side of the page.
  • After this, login to our online course page and proceed to pay. Follow the onscreen directions to make your payment through the payment gateway.
  • Note:If you face any issues during payment, kindly contact onlinetraining@eascertification.com .

    How do I clear any doubts during the course?

    You may send a mail to onlinetraining@eascertification.com and your mail will be replied by a technical coordinator within 1-2 working days. Alternatively, you can directly speak to our faculty on +91 9962590571 between 09:30 and 18:00 hrs, Indian Standard Time (IST) on all working days (including Saturdays).

    What is Refund Policy?

    Training course registrations will not be confirmed until registration is complete. Cancellation or refund will not be entertained after registration.
    In order to reschedule a confirmed training please submit an email request to onlinetraining@eascertification.com. Any reschedule request should be passed on within 10 days of the course registration. No shows or not utilizing the full period of the allotted duration will not be accepted for rescheduling beyond the stipulated reschedule period.

    What if the course is cancelled by us?

    IAS/EAS reserves the right to cancel any online training course due to technical reasons. You will be provided with a notice on your registered email ID with the option to reschedule for a future course date or to receive a full refund of registration fees.

    Will my course Registration cancelled, if so on what basis?

    Your registration may be cancelled to access the online training if it is found that you are sharing the pass code with any other user, manipulating with the system, misuse and false claims etc. during their valid online training period.

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