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HACCP Certification

What is HACCP Certification?

The Food Safety Management System is based on the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) principle. By using HACCP principles, food safety may be improved by reducing biological, chemical, and physical hazards in the meal. The FSMS performance standard includes critical control points, critical limits, and control measures to minimize food safety risks and implement

HACCP Certification Benefits

By obtaining the HACCP Certification, the company can:

  • Improve efficiency and productivity. This is done by controlling quality, safety, and food hygiene standards with the help of a HACCP standard system for managing procedures in the company’s processes.
  • Strengthen the image of the company. This is done by improving the quality of services provided to the customer and implementing a systematic approach to maintaining HACCP with high food safety standards.
  • Improve customer satisfaction. This will be done by providing employees with useful information that makes working easier, identifying problems in time so they can be solved quickly, and thus creating conditions for the optimal production process.
  • Protect employees’ health with food safety procedures, useful equipment, and a special diet in the event of contamination with hazardous substances. This is done by providing access to information about possible risks in time so they can be eliminated before they cause harm. 
  • Reduce costs associated with compensation for lost income due to damage to people’s health and expenses related to the application of corrective and preventive measures.
  • Improve food security by establishing an additional level of safety in the meal processing process with the help of a standard system for managing procedures in the company’s processes. 
  • Improve market position through better use of resources, more efficient processes, and improved ability to meet customer needs. This is done by planning and managing the changes required to achieve a high level of food safety.

HACCP Certification Requirements 

The requirements for obtaining a HACCP Certification include:

Certification agreements should be made with IAS. IAS’s experienced auditors will check whether the requirements are met before issuing the certification. IAS conducts audits at least once a year during which HACCP requirements for obtaining a HACCP Certification are met by those companies that hold such certificates.

The Food Safety System 

HACCP forms the basis of any FSMS. It is used to identify and analyze hazards as well as determine measures for their elimination or reduction, thus ensuring the safety of food products. A system for managing safety at critical control points is a system, based on the HACCP principles, which allows for an efficient and systematic approach to identifying hazards in food production processes and making decisions on minimizing or eliminating them. 

The main elements of the HACCP System are:

  • Food safety plan: This document describes all procedures necessary to meet the requirements set by the FSMS. It is used to track the implementation of corrective and preventive measures in relation to a food safety plan.
  • Hazard analysis: This document includes a list of possible hazardous agents, together with the risk they pose, and all related procedures for eliminating this threat or reducing it to an acceptable level. The hazard analysis should be reviewed regularly to ensure it is up-to-date.
  • Critical control points (CCPs): These are points at which, if the safety requirements set by FSMS are not met, there is a high risk of hazard occurrence in food products. CCPs should also be identified in relation to product specifications and standards.
  • Monitoring procedures for critical control points: These procedures describe the monitoring controls in place at the CCPs, the frequency of these controls, and any additional measures to be taken in case of non-compliance.
  • Corrective action: This document is used for recording all necessary actions when deviations are detected at critical control points. It should be regularly updated to reflect new information on hazards.
  • Preventive action: This is a list of all possible causes of deviations at critical control points and the measures taken to prevent these deviations from occurring. The preventive actions should be regularly updated to reflect new information on hazards.
  • Verification: Verification is an independent assessment that allows for determining whether the CCP’s monitoring procedures are being correctly implemented and what corrective actions are required. 
  • Internal audits: Internal audits are used to measure compliance with FSMS requirements, track any deviations, investigate their causes, take action on these deviations, and thus establish a system of surveillance over the CCPs.
  • External audits: These are regular audits conducted at least once a year with assistance from an IAS auditor who assesses whether FSMS requirements are being met and provides necessary support in case there are deviations at critical control points or in corrective action procedures. 

WHO Can Apply for HACCP Certification

HACCP certification is suitable for all organizations in the food supply chain, regardless of their sizes. This certification ensures food safety and an organization’s involvement in producing safe, healthy food. It enhances customer satisfaction and stakeholders’ confidence. It helps the organizations to establish the food safety system performance globally and help win new businesses. Also, the HACCP Certification promotes credibility and the profile (corporate image) of the organization.

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